Apr 16, 2016

Rehabilitation of 25 townhouse living units; 28,000sf, five 2-story bldgs.; new laundry facility added to sites, parking lots refurbished, new hardscaping installed and landscaping improved throughout sites

Published in Affordable Housing
Apr 15, 2016

46,000sf renovation of 68 duplexes, townhomes, and single-family homes; thirty-nine 1- & 2-story buildings; new construction of a 1,200sf community building with a kitchen and computer lab; new landscaping throughout

Published in Affordable Housing
Apr 27, 2016

44,000sf, 4-story historical renovation of 29 living units, 9,000sf commercial space, and 2,000sf performance hall; 1,600sf mezzanine addition

Published in Affordable Housing